Goodgame studios

Goodgame Studios is an entertainment software studio that designs and develops online games.

Information about Goodgame studios

computer games
Number of employees
Theodorstra?e 42-90, Haus 9, Hamburg, Hamburg 22761, DE

Company Categories

Online Games, Software Development & Design, Digital Entertainment, Social Games, Software, Media and Entertainment, Multiplayer Games, Multimedia, Games And Graphics Software, Mobile, Games, Distribution, Gaming, MMO, Browsergames, Development, E-Commerce, Online Business, Free2Play, Internet, Performance, Conversion, SEM,

Goodgame studios executive employees

miloš radovanov

Senior User Acquisition

christian mehle

Junior Controller

benedikt bessen

Senior Client Developer

tobias wöhlke

Senior Game Systems

vincent villaum

Senior Game Designer

sharmistha bane

Founder and Creative

nils toellner

Quality Assurance Lead

jan demuth


marina hanssen

Senior Game Artist

Frequent questions about Goodgame studios

How many employees does Goodgame studios have?
Goodgame studios has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Goodgame studios's industry?
Goodgame studios is involved in the industry of computer games.
Where is Goodgame studios headquarters located?
Goodgame studios is located in Theodorstra?e 42-90, Haus 9, Hamburg, Hamburg 22761, DE
What is the website of Goodgame studios?
Goodgame studios official website at

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