Never send to a dirty email list again.

Kendo email verification engine will run multiple validation rules on each email to clean the invalid emails and make sure that yourmessage reaches the right contact.
You can verify single emails or upload a list to Kendo dashboard to verify email addresses in bulk.

What Our Customers Say?

MD. Aowlad Hossain


Kendo is an impressive email finder app that streamlines the process of locating email addresses. With its accurate results, user-friendly interface, and seamless integrations, Kendo is a must-have tool for professionals seeking efficient email discovery

Мартин Тошевски

Marketing and sales assistant

Being an IT recruiter, Kendo has been the first email finder tool I've been using for the past couple months. I won't be looking for a new tool simply because I stumbled across something which is truly functional, easy to use, and convenient. I highly recommend Kendo for every recruiter out there trying to fill out his/her database with the much needed email addresses.

Habibur Rahman


my favorite targeted leads-finding tools that I have ever used. Especially newly launched bulk email find feature is awesome. Thank you - Kendo.

Carlos Echetto

Marketing and sales assistant

This tool has been a live saver when it comes to connecting with people. It helps expand your network and get leads along the way.

Filippa Lindahl

Such a great plugin for me as a recruiter who easily can get ahold of many candidates emails by the click of a button!

Latiful Khabir

The most useful email finder on Chrome Store, I have compared it with other extensions and it always comes on top.

Anjali Shishodia

Engineer Research & analytics domain

Very useful app & give 100% verified details while doing research for contacts or email address of any person.. Works really well for me