Unique broadband systems ltd.

Unique Broadband Systems specializes in design and manufacturing of complete digital transmission systems.

Information about Unique broadband systems ltd.

defense & space
Number of employees
Spinnaker Way, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 5Y9, CA

Company Categories

Broadcasting, SSPA & T/R solutions in L, S, C, X, Ku and Ka band using GaN, LDMOS , Media and Entertainment, Universal modulator supports all digital broadcasting standards, Video, Waveguide ( Flex), Couplers Filters And Co-Axial Parts, Communications Infrastructure, TACAN / IFF, Hardware, Terrestrial Dual Repeaters, Computer, Consumer Electronics, Manufacturing,

Unique broadband systems ltd. executive employees

richard brown

RF Test Engineer

randy howell

Group Leader Research

michael glistva

Sr. Software Engineer

karen and

Owner Unique Broadband

frank say

Manufacturing Manager

david kantrovit

Vice President Sales

david dane

President & CEO

Frequent questions about Unique broadband systems ltd.

How many employees does Unique broadband systems ltd. have?
Unique broadband systems ltd. has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Unique broadband systems ltd.'s industry?
Unique broadband systems ltd. is involved in the industry of defense & space.
Where is Unique broadband systems ltd. headquarters located?
Unique broadband systems ltd. is located in Spinnaker Way, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 5Y9, CA
What is the website of Unique broadband systems ltd.?
Unique broadband systems ltd. official website at uniquesys.com

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