Insigma Inc

Insigma Incorporation is an Information Technology provider delivering superior quality software development.

Information about Insigma Inc

information technology and services
Number of employees
43490 Yukon Dr. Ste. 102, Ashburn, Virginia 20147, US

Company Categories

Human Resources & Staffing, Information Services, Business Services, Information Technology, Software,

Insigma Inc executive employees

amit patel

Senior Technical Resource

bhavna chadha

HR Manager

adesh kumar

Account Manager-US Staffing

lav sharma

Manager [ TL

jackson ribero

Account Manager

sasi manoharan

Senior Technical Recruiter

ravindra choudh

Senior Technical Recruiter

salome grace

Recruitment Manager

vivek kumar

Account Manager

yashveer singh

Sr. Account Manager

mahabubee shaik

QA Test Engineer

jinolin jacob

HR Manager

hitesh dhamshan

Sr. Software Engineer

harsh kanth

Project Manager Technical

gemsia christil

Account Manager

gemsia christil

Account Manager

fouzia iqbal

Account Manager

domnic zanthura

Senior Technical Recruiter

amit vajpayee

Senior Account Manager

akhil gusain

Senior Software Engineer

Frequent questions about Insigma Inc

How many employees does Insigma Inc have?
Insigma Inc has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Insigma Inc's industry?
Insigma Inc is involved in the industry of information technology and services.
Where is Insigma Inc headquarters located?
Insigma Inc is located in 43490 Yukon Dr. Ste. 102, Ashburn, Virginia 20147, US
What is the website of Insigma Inc?
Insigma Inc official website at

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