
CORHIO empowers people, providers and communities by providing the information .

Information about Corhio

hospital & health care
Number of employees
4500 Cherry Crk S Dr, Ste 820, Denver, Colorado 80246, US

Company Categories

Membership Organizations), Communities), Health Information Exchange), Organizations), Community and Lifestyle), HIE), Information Technology), Interoperability), Internet), Lab Results Delivery), Internet Services), EHR integration), Healthcare Technology), Meaningful Use), EHR adoption), Direct Messaging), Medical Home), Physician Quality Reporting), Clinical Care Alerts), Health It), Data For Population Health), PQRS),

Corhio executive employees

diane cole

Senior Quality Analyst

joe hughes

Director of IT

tom moreno

Contracts Manager

suzanne beer

Sr. Project Manager

steve hauenstei

Senior leve Linux

phyllis albritt

Executive Director

nina heeren

Systems Integration Engineer

kelly joines

Chief Strategy Officer

forster mccrack

Senior Data Analyst

ezekiel peters

Director of Emergency

drew currie

Vice President of

dana ackerman

Sales Manager

cameron nix

Systems Integration Engineer

aimee molloy

Senior Reporting Analyst

adam bean

Chief Legal Officer

Frequent questions about Corhio

How many employees does Corhio have?
Corhio has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Corhio's industry?
Corhio is involved in the industry of hospital & health care.
Where is Corhio headquarters located?
Corhio is located in 4500 Cherry Crk S Dr, Ste 820, Denver, Colorado 80246, US
What is the website of Corhio?
Corhio official website at

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