Lextech global services

Lextech Global Services helps sales, operations, and IT teams optimize workflows by identifying and developing custom mobile apps.

Information about Lextech global services

information technology and services
Number of employees
1431 Opus Place, Downers Grove, IL 60515, US

Company Categories

Mobile App Strategy, Software Development & Design, Mobile App Design, Software, Mobile App Development, Mobile App Support,

Lextech global services executive employees

adrienne szewcz

Director of Organizational

jenny p.

Project & Product

greg kale

Data Lead

gary heusner

President & MD

felipe laso-mar

Lextech Global Services

cole joplin

Senior Systems Technical

brian mila

Design Lead

aric roush

Vice President of

anju khanna

Director of Finance

andy denler

Senior Systems Engineer

tom stoklosa

Director of Business

sandy jennings

Managing Director Life

kenton bohn

Director of New

john haney

Senior Systems Engineer

Frequent questions about Lextech global services

How many employees does Lextech global services have?
Lextech global services has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Lextech global services's industry?
Lextech global services is involved in the industry of information technology and services.
Where is Lextech global services headquarters located?
Lextech global services is located in 1431 Opus Place, Downers Grove, IL 60515, US
What is the website of Lextech global services?
Lextech global services official website at lextech.com

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