Master Technology Group - MTG

Master Technology Group is an information technology company specializing in structured cabling, AV systems, and services.

Information about Master Technology Group - MTG

information technology and services
Number of employees
7640 Golden Triangle Dr, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344, US

Company Categories

Commercial & Residential Construction, CRM, Technology Systems, Construction, Information Technology, Design, Electricity, Oil & Gas, Sales and Marketing, Installation, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment, Software, Service, National Rollouts, National Coverage,

Master Technology Group - MTG executive employees

ryan blundell

Master Technology Group-Owner

steve hamment

Retired Senior Project

ryan klingelhoe

Project Manager

robin blundell

Benefits Manager

nicole joynt

National Coordination Supervisor

nate schaefer

Journeyman Foreman

matt jenkins

National Project Manager

lisa kloncz

Business Applications Analyst

justin vandeput

Project Manager

josh walsh

Manager of Technical

jeffrey halbert

Logistics and Warehouse

jared tidd

Design Services Manager

greg elsner

Local and National

glen skrivseth

Customer Success Manager

dave best

Manager of Marketing

dan nelson

AV Project Manager

colleen mack

Accounting Manager

brian clepper

Project Manager

aaron lepisto

Project Manager

valdis gravis

Director of Design

stephanie v.

Regional Account Manager

sean haines

Operations Manager National

scott rous

Project Manager

scott anderson

Project Manager

sarah gudmunson

Director of Labor

Frequent questions about Master Technology Group - MTG

How many employees does Master Technology Group - MTG have?
Master Technology Group - MTG has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Master Technology Group - MTG's industry?
Master Technology Group - MTG is involved in the industry of information technology and services.
Where is Master Technology Group - MTG headquarters located?
Master Technology Group - MTG is located in 7640 Golden Triangle Dr, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344, US
What is the website of Master Technology Group - MTG?
Master Technology Group - MTG official website at

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