Florical systems

Florical Systems is the leader in television automation.

Information about Florical systems

broadcast media
Number of employees
4500 NW 27th Ave. Bldg. B-1, Gainesville, Florida 32606, US

Company Categories

Software Development & Design, Media and Entertainment, Software, TV, Video, TV Production,

Florical systems executive employees

ron caird

Director of Sales

marty greenwood

International Sales Manager

jim moneyhun


jerven carter

Sr. Software Engineer

jeff halapin

Customer Service Manager

david washingto

Senior Software Engineer

dale taylor

Senior Technical Engineer

shawn maynard

SVP and General

michael kent

Vice President of

Frequent questions about Florical systems

How many employees does Florical systems have?
Florical systems has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Florical systems's industry?
Florical systems is involved in the industry of broadcast media.
Where is Florical systems headquarters located?
Florical systems is located in 4500 NW 27th Ave. Bldg. B-1, Gainesville, Florida 32606, US
What is the website of Florical systems?
Florical systems official website at florical.com

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