Glast, phillips & murray, p.c.

Glast Phillips & Murray PC is a professional services company located in Dallas.

Information about Glast, phillips & murray, p.c.

law practice
Number of employees
14801 Quorum Dr. Ste. 500, Dalla, Texas 75254, US

Company Categories

Law Firms & Legal Services, Law Enforcement, Government and Military, Privacy and Security, Legal, Professional Services,

Glast, phillips & murray, p.c. executive employees

laetta harden

Office Services Manager

kelly hollingsw

Owner Glast Phillips

ira levy


chelsea long

Senior Legal Assistant

brad smith

IT Manager

Frequent questions about Glast, phillips & murray, p.c.

How many employees does Glast, phillips & murray, p.c. have?
Glast, phillips & murray, p.c. has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Glast, phillips & murray, p.c.'s industry?
Glast, phillips & murray, p.c. is involved in the industry of law practice.
Where is Glast, phillips & murray, p.c. headquarters located?
Glast, phillips & murray, p.c. is located in 14801 Quorum Dr. Ste. 500, Dalla, Texas 75254, US
What is the website of Glast, phillips & murray, p.c.?
Glast, phillips & murray, p.c. official website at

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