Aspen research corporation

Aspen Research Corporation is a contract research firm with over twenty-five years of experience, primarily in materials science.

Information about Aspen research corporation

Number of employees
8401 Jefferson Highway, Maple Grove, Minnesota 55369, US

Company Categories

Biotechnology, Science and Engineering, Consulting,

Aspen research corporation executive employees

douglas doster

Senior Chemist

roger pearson

President Analytical Services

tim murphy

account manager

shawn tveit

Training Supervisor

mark citsay

Sales & Marketing

mark citsay


marc beernaert

Production Manager

leeland kinnell

Vice President of

john biesboer

Regional Sales Manager

jimmy mcdonald

Maintenance Manager

jepson sutton

Director of Research

francis amore

Senior analytical Chemist

Frequent questions about Aspen research corporation

How many employees does Aspen research corporation have?
Aspen research corporation has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Aspen research corporation's industry?
Aspen research corporation is involved in the industry of biotechnology.
Where is Aspen research corporation headquarters located?
Aspen research corporation is located in 8401 Jefferson Highway, Maple Grove, Minnesota 55369, US
What is the website of Aspen research corporation?
Aspen research corporation official website at

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