
Wcities is a travel and entertainment content publisher specialized in providing city guides, event calendars, tours and activities.

Information about Wcities

Number of employees
1212 BROADWAY Ste. 910, Oakland, California 94612, US

Company Categories

Events, Software, Software Development & Design, Content, Mobile, Media and Entertainment, Navigation, Syndication, Navigation and Mapping, Licensing, City Guides,

Wcities executive employees

troy lobo

Project Lead

nilesh gaonkar

Senior Software Programmer

manalee naik

Project Head-Travel Content

landon moblad

Director of Partnerships

chris medina

Senior Content Manager

chandra sharma

Project Manager &

amrita jagtap

Editorial Director

amir khan

Chief Technology Officer

shanya shukla

Client Servicing Manager

Frequent questions about Wcities

How many employees does Wcities have?
Wcities has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Wcities's industry?
Wcities is involved in the industry of internet.
Where is Wcities headquarters located?
Wcities is located in 1212 BROADWAY Ste. 910, Oakland, California 94612, US
What is the website of Wcities?
Wcities official website at wcities.com

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