Charles vögele fashion (hk) ltd.
Charles Voegele Holding operates as a fashion company.
Information about Charles vögele fashion (hk) ltd.
Company Categories
Apparel & Accessories, Department Stores, Shopping Centers & Superstores, Retail,Charles vögele fashion (hk) ltd. executive employees
patrizia vetter
Head of Marketing
milky tahmid
Senior Merchandiser
franz guggenmoo
General Manager
benni thomas
Deputy General Manager
Frequent questions about Charles vögele fashion (hk) ltd.
How many employees does Charles vögele fashion (hk) ltd. have?
What is Charles vögele fashion (hk) ltd.'s industry?
Where is Charles vögele fashion (hk) ltd. headquarters located?
What is the website of Charles vögele fashion (hk) ltd.?
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