Taq logistics

TAQ Logistics is a logistics company offering logistics and supply chain services.

Information about Taq logistics

logistics and supply chain
Number of employees
Hong Kong, Central and Western, CN

Company Categories

Automotive, Transportation,

Taq logistics executive employees

zahid mahmoud

Senior Manager

veronica george

Trade Lane Manager

temur imran

Manager Business Relations

tariq hafeez

General Manager Operations

awais ali

Deputy Manager Credit

ashfaq mughal

Manager Logistics

asad tariq

Director The TAQ

Frequent questions about Taq logistics

How many employees does Taq logistics have?
Taq logistics has approximately 501-1000 employees.
What is Taq logistics's industry?
Taq logistics is involved in the industry of logistics and supply chain.
Where is Taq logistics headquarters located?
Taq logistics is located in Hong Kong, Central and Western, CN
What is the website of Taq logistics?
Taq logistics official website at taq.com.pk

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