Naxos of america

Naxos of America is a classical music distributor that provides physical and digital distribution,publishing and licensing services.

Information about Naxos of america

Number of employees
1810 Columbia Avenue, Franklin, Tennessee 37064, US

Company Categories

Marketing, Classical, Jazz, Blues, World Music, Sales and Marketing, Opera, Media and Entertainment, Licensing, Music, Distribution, Music and Audio,

Naxos of america executive employees

tori harris

Worship Leader

shona smith

Senior Project Manager

sean hickey

Senior Vice-President Sales

richard moore

Senior Developer

raymond bisha

Senior VP of

nick floyd

Manager Licensing and

matt whittier

Director Marketing &

josh kelley

Customer Service Manager

jim bashour

Director Of Information

ira kessler

Director of Operations-Physical

duncan hammons

Senior Manager of

david caldwell

Chief Financial Officer

audrey mallory

Manager Label Relations

Frequent questions about Naxos of america

How many employees does Naxos of america have?
Naxos of america has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Naxos of america's industry?
Naxos of america is involved in the industry of music.
Where is Naxos of america headquarters located?
Naxos of america is located in 1810 Columbia Avenue, Franklin, Tennessee 37064, US
What is the website of Naxos of america?
Naxos of america official website at

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