Genius Solutions

Genius Solutions is an ERP software solutions designed specifically for custom engineer-to-order and make-to-order manufacturers.

Information about Genius Solutions

computer software
Number of employees
2355 rue de CellesSuite 200, Quebec, Quebec G2C 2B8, CA

Company Categories

Software, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Software Development & Design, Manufacturing,

Genius Solutions executive employees

donald simms

Supply Chain &

patrice barry

Human Resources Manager

roger reagan

Business Owner

nabil ebrahim

Chief Executive Officer

pierre-carl pép

Head of Education

youri gabbino

Quality Assurance Project

rathore gaurav

Digital Marketing Manager

sergio arango

Quality Assurance Developer

stephanie ander

Implementing ERP Solutions

matthieu galvin

Technical Advisor-Genius Solutions

mark thuemmel

Director of IT

mansoor ahmad

Owner Genius Solutions

manpreet kaur

Lead Marketing Strategist

kat gannon

Business Development Manager

jean magny


jason stevenson

Senior Software Engineer

jason leach

ERP Project Director

gabriel boulian

Team Lead Architect

françois doyon

Senior Business Analyst

etienne deschen

ERP Project Manager

eric spensieri

Digital Marketing Manager

donna zamiska

Director of Marketing

christian pouli

Professional Services Director

admir susic

Senior Application Support

adam arnn

Business Development

Frequent questions about Genius Solutions

How many employees does Genius Solutions have?
Genius Solutions has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Genius Solutions's industry?
Genius Solutions is involved in the industry of computer software.
Where is Genius Solutions headquarters located?
Genius Solutions is located in 2355 rue de CellesSuite 200, Quebec, Quebec G2C 2B8, CA
What is the website of Genius Solutions?
Genius Solutions official website at

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