Tek leaders inc

Tek Leaders is a fast growing, global, innovative IT Services firm.

Information about Tek leaders inc

information technology and services
Number of employees
4975 Preston Park Blvd. Ste. 500, Plano, Texas 75093, US

Company Categories

Business Services, Information Services, Software Development & Design, Information Technology, Software,

Tek leaders inc executive employees

ganesh alpuri

Sr Project Manager

mohan agarwal

Senior Java Developer

natarajan tirun

HR Manager


Lead Software Engineer

sri b

Regional Sales Manager

steve theja

Recruitment Lead

sanjay sanju

Senior Technical Recruiter

seema singh

Technical Recruiter HR

velmurugan siva

AVP-Talent Acquisition

rehmath syd

Junior Sales Recruiter

rama rao

Sales Manager

rakesh janga

Senior Resource Coordinator

rajitha aerrabo

Founder & Chief

prabhu bhaskara

Lead Developer

murali c.

Senior Director

krishna pujari

President & CEO

chris stanley

Vice President of

bhuvan n.

Lead Automation Engineer

arun kajipeta

Lead Recruiter

anusha patiband

Senior Technical Recruiter

abhishek thakur

Senior Manager Bench

Frequent questions about Tek leaders inc

How many employees does Tek leaders inc have?
Tek leaders inc has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Tek leaders inc's industry?
Tek leaders inc is involved in the industry of information technology and services.
Where is Tek leaders inc headquarters located?
Tek leaders inc is located in 4975 Preston Park Blvd. Ste. 500, Plano, Texas 75093, US
What is the website of Tek leaders inc?
Tek leaders inc official website at tekleaders.com

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