
LloydGÇÖs is the worldGÇÖs specialist insurance market.

Information about Lloyds

Number of employees
One Lime Street, London, England EC3M 7HA, UK

Company Categories

Insurance, Risk,

Lloyds executive employees

florin toma

Owner Lloyds

chris napier

Project Manager

pavlos spyropou

Country Manager Singapore

mohit sharma

Head of Operations

edward shone

Head of Strategic

daniel gilman

Senior Manager Financial

dean wickens

Senior Manager-Stakehlder Engagemen

chris boshier

Manager Treasury &

enya h.

Regional Director

chris mackinnon

Regional Head of

daniel revilla

Regional Head Latin

biswanath bhatt

Managing Director

camila mencía

Senior Greehey Scholar

billal mian

Agile Delivery Manager

asima zahid

Director of Market

bernadette dick

Marketing Director

beth he

CFO of Lloyd's

andy woodward

Regional Manager Middle

amy yin

Head of Casualty

carey bond

Head of Claims

angus jordan

Capital Programme Manager

amit khilosia

Regional Head Africa

Frequent questions about Lloyds

How many employees does Lloyds have?
Lloyds has approximately 1001-5000 employees.
What is Lloyds's industry?
Lloyds is involved in the industry of insurance.
Where is Lloyds headquarters located?
Lloyds is located in One Lime Street, London, England EC3M 7HA, UK
What is the website of Lloyds?
Lloyds official website at lloyds.com

Other companies

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