Curevac ag

CureVac is a biopharmaceutical company specializing in the prophylactic and therapeutic application of messenger RNA.

Information about Curevac ag

Number of employees
Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 15, Tübingen, Baden-Wurttemberg 72076, DE

Company Categories

Biotechnology, Drug Discovery, Biopharma, Pharmaceuticals, Health Care, Healthcare, Science and Engineering, Therapeutics,

Curevac ag executive employees

frederic krohn

Senior Director Business

achim loehr

Vice President Business

thomas döhler

Head of QM

lukas psyk

Supply Chain Management

martina nieß

Process Development Engineer

thomas hirtzel

Manager-Team Lead PM

Frequent questions about Curevac ag

How many employees does Curevac ag have?
Curevac ag has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Curevac ag's industry?
Curevac ag is involved in the industry of biotechnology.
Where is Curevac ag headquarters located?
Curevac ag is located in Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 15, Tübingen, Baden-Wurttemberg 72076, DE
What is the website of Curevac ag?
Curevac ag official website at

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