Axio research
Axio Research is a pharmaceuticals company specializing in data monitoring services.
Information about Axio research
Number of employees
2601 4th Ave., Ste. 200, Seattle, Washington 98121, US
Company Categories
Business Services, Pharmaceutical, Biostatistics, Health Care, Data Monitoring Committee Support, Data Management, Statistical Genetics, Events Adjudication, NIH grant support,Axio research executive employees
bharathkumar ku
Associate Director Statistical
siri peterson
Director Statistical Programming
neha yadav
Senior Statistical Programmer
kyle humphrey
Senior Biostatistician
joshua sanders
Director Quality Assurance
elaine nasco
Project Director and
david kerr
Director DMC Services
bill coar
Director Statistical Consulting
yao yao
Director Biostatistics
Frequent questions about Axio research
How many employees does Axio research have?
Axio research has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Axio research's industry?
Axio research is involved in the industry of pharmaceuticals.
Where is Axio research headquarters located?
Axio research is located in 2601 4th Ave., Ste. 200, Seattle, Washington 98121, US
What is the website of Axio research?
Axio research official website at
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