Brown & James, P.C.

Brown and James P C is a law firm dealing in litigation, appeals and insurance coverage matters.

Information about Brown & James, P.C.

law practice
Number of employees
800 Market St. Ste. 1100, St. Loui, Missouri 63101, US

Company Categories

Law Firms & Legal Services, Consulting, Health Care Liability, Financial Services, Appellate, Legal, Insurance Law, Professional Services, Professional Liability, Premises and Retail Liability, Product Liability, Transportation, Construction Law, Employment Law, Business and Commercial Litigation, Toxic Torts, Intellectual Property and Technology,

Brown & James, P.C. executive employees

larry grebel

Vice President

nicholas gerth

Senior Associate

michael lester

Senior Associate

tracy tabb

Chief Marketing Officer

michael ward

Managing Principal and

matthew cecil

Senior Associate

scott maschmann

Director of Information

howard donna

HR Manager

Frequent questions about Brown & James, P.C.

How many employees does Brown & James, P.C. have?
Brown & James, P.C. has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Brown & James, P.C.'s industry?
Brown & James, P.C. is involved in the industry of law practice.
Where is Brown & James, P.C. headquarters located?
Brown & James, P.C. is located in 800 Market St. Ste. 1100, St. Loui, Missouri 63101, US
What is the website of Brown & James, P.C.?
Brown & James, P.C. official website at

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