Grupo algar

Algar is an industrial conglomerate that owns and operates businesses in telecommunication, Information Technology and tourism sectors.

Information about Grupo algar

Number of employees

Company Categories

Agriculture, ?TIC, Agriculture and Farming, Agro, Information Services, Serviços, Information Technology, Turismo, Telecommunications, Hardware,

Grupo algar executive employees

sergio pedreiro

Former-Chief Operating Officer

bruna d.

Digital Marketing

edilson santos

Senior Presales Consultant

robson damascen

Executive manager HR

gustavo matsumo

Chief Financial Officer

Frequent questions about Grupo algar

How many employees does Grupo algar have?
Grupo algar has approximately 10001+ employees.
What is Grupo algar's industry?
Grupo algar is involved in the industry of telecommunications.
Where is Grupo algar headquarters located?
Grupo algar is located in BR
What is the website of Grupo algar?
Grupo algar official website at

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