Mirabella beauty products
Mirabella Beauty Products is a cosmetics company providing mineral-based makeup products.
Information about Mirabella beauty products
Number of employees
127 WEST 10TH St. Ste. 101, Kansas City, Missouri 64105, US
Company Categories
Consumer Goods, Cosmetics, Beauty Supply & Personal Care Products, Personal Products, Specialty Retail, Retail, Manufacturing, Commerce and Shopping,Mirabella beauty products executive employees
valerie walls
Salon Manager
sara fulrath
Sales Manager &
miranda coggins
kevin atuma
jodi hodges
Production Manager
Frequent questions about Mirabella beauty products
How many employees does Mirabella beauty products have?
Mirabella beauty products has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Mirabella beauty products's industry?
Mirabella beauty products is involved in the industry of cosmetics.
Where is Mirabella beauty products headquarters located?
Mirabella beauty products is located in 127 WEST 10TH St. Ste. 101, Kansas City, Missouri 64105, US
What is the website of Mirabella beauty products?
Mirabella beauty products official website at mirabellabeauty.com
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