
PhotoShelter is a photography website empowering photo sales and providing-ámarketing and archiving tools for photographers.

Information about Photoshelter

Number of employees
33 Union Square West, New York, New York 10003, US

Company Categories

Business/Productivity Software, Advertising, Photography Websites, Software, Internet Software, Sales and Marketing, Online Photo Sales, Software Development & Design, E-Commerce, Photo Hosting & Archiving, Commerce and Shopping, SEO, Internet, Social Sharing Tools, Internet Services, Photography, Content and Publishing, Media and Entertainment,

Photoshelter executive employees

eric olivas

QA technical Manager

caitlyn edwards

Community Marketing Manager

anne carlin

Technical Support Team

andrew fingerma

Chief Executive Officer

allan lee

Junior Software Engineer

abby bailon

Director of Customer

lianna robins

Strategic Account Manager

levhita .

Senior Software Developer

ashley scordama

Business Operations

mackenzie cocke

Customer Success Manager

randy newton

Customer Success Team

luis abendaño

Team Leader

sean stemas

SDR Manager

michael treola

Software Developer Engineer

riley sainz

User Experience Engineer

melaina packard

Senior Account Executive

meghan haviland

Customer Success Manager

shai chen

Director of Engineering

kevin berry

Senior Software Engineer

kristin schordi

Customer Success Manager

larissa green

Content Marketing Manager

rachel reiss

Senior Manager of

will schneeklot

Senior Software Engineer

mike thompson

Director of Design

monika smyczek

SVP of Product

sophie byerley

Senior Frontend Engineer

sham sao


kailyn corrigan

Marketing Manager

jonathan gorman

Sr. Product Manager

jeremy berkowit

Creative Media

jelan coley

Technical Implementation Lead

jeffrey arnold

Co-Founder Janitor.

jaymin patel

Customer Success Manager

jalal zahr

Customer Success Manager

erick orozco

Senior Lead Business

emily desousa

Customer Success Manager

dan miller

Customer Success Manager

christopher mas

Customer Success Manager

Frequent questions about Photoshelter

How many employees does Photoshelter have?
Photoshelter has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Photoshelter's industry?
Photoshelter is involved in the industry of photography.
Where is Photoshelter headquarters located?
Photoshelter is located in 33 Union Square West, New York, New York 10003, US
What is the website of Photoshelter?
Photoshelter official website at

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