Wonton Food Inc

Wonton Food is a food production company that manufactures noodles, fortune cookies, and wrappers.

Information about Wonton Food Inc

food & beverages
Number of employees
220-222 Moore St, Brooklyn, New York 11206, US

Company Categories

Manufacturing, Food & Beverages, 3D Printing, Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Agriculture, Agriculture and Farming, Food and Beverage,

Wonton Food Inc executive employees

david tong

Purchasing Manager

chen jianzhong

Director of Engineering

carl cool

East Coast Regional

amabel pena

Regional HR Manager

weilik chan

General Manager

weilik chan

Human Resources Manager

sean wang

Senior Global Information

richard leung

Senior Sale Manager

randy drake

Vice President of

monica chan

Accounting Manager

lawrence leung

manager of general

jianzhong chen

Director of Manufacturing

jeff yang

Plant Manager

daron fitch

Regional Sales Director

christie freid

Business Development Manager

bruce leung

General Manager

andre marti

Business Development Manager

Frequent questions about Wonton Food Inc

How many employees does Wonton Food Inc have?
Wonton Food Inc has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Wonton Food Inc's industry?
Wonton Food Inc is involved in the industry of food & beverages.
Where is Wonton Food Inc headquarters located?
Wonton Food Inc is located in 220-222 Moore St, Brooklyn, New York 11206, US
What is the website of Wonton Food Inc?
Wonton Food Inc official website at wontonfood.com

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