INFINIGY is a telecommunications company specializing in engineering, surveying, and environmental services.
Information about Infinigy
Number of employees
1033 Watervliet-Shaker Rd, Albany, New York 12205, US
Company Categories
Telecommunications), Construction), Telecommunications Service Providers), Site Development - Site Acquisition, Zoning, Permitting), Wireless Service Providers), Real Estate), Small Cell and Distributed Antenna Services), Consulting), Architectural and Engineering), Electronics), Consumer Electronics), RF Engineering), Hardware), Project Management), Industrial Engineering), Manufacturing), Science and Engineering), Information Technology), Wireless), Mobile),Infinigy executive employees
douglas fox
Project Manager
frank ballester
Construction Manager
paul danneberg
A&E Project Manager
matthew birth
Project Manager
javier gonzalez
Project Manager
Frequent questions about Infinigy
How many employees does Infinigy have?
Infinigy has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Infinigy's industry?
Infinigy is involved in the industry of telecommunications.
Where is Infinigy headquarters located?
Infinigy is located in 1033 Watervliet-Shaker Rd, Albany, New York 12205, US
What is the website of Infinigy?
Infinigy official website at
Other companies
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