
Jakprints is a premier print shop with over a decade of experience in online printing.

Information about Jakprints

Number of employees
3133 Chester Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44114, US

Company Categories

Commercial Printing, 3D Printing, Custom Printing Services, Business Services, Manufacturing, Full Color Printing, E-Commerce, Apparel Printing & Embroidery, Commerce and Shopping, Large Format & Banner Printing, Online Portals, Sticker & Label Production, Internet Services, Printing, Content and Publishing, Media and Entertainment,

Jakprints executive employees

anthony pohlman

Customer Service Manager

norm koplin

Pressroom Manager

ryan mazur

Business Development

sara lessman

Quality Assurance Supervisor

mike hach

Marketing Director

mathew galati

Warehouse Manager

mario silva


lt magnotto

Embroidery Director

linda falzone

Key Account Manager

kevin wrobleski

Apparel Production Supervisor

kevin richendol

Screens Dept. Supervisor

joseph lykes

2nd Shift Supervisor

jill paschen

Owner Jakprints

jennifer votrub

Sales Project Manager

jacob edwards

Owner Jakprints

gosia makuch

Embroidery Manager

fallon champagn

Lead Quality Inspector

dameon guess

Owner & Vice

ashley edmonson

Support Team

anthony koch

Account Manager

Frequent questions about Jakprints

How many employees does Jakprints have?
Jakprints has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Jakprints's industry?
Jakprints is involved in the industry of printing.
Where is Jakprints headquarters located?
Jakprints is located in 3133 Chester Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44114, US
What is the website of Jakprints?
Jakprints official website at jakprints.com

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