Eagle Promotions

Eagle Promotions is an apparel company that specializes in custom promotional branded products and apparel.

Information about Eagle Promotions

apparel & fashion
Number of employees
united states

Eagle Promotions executive employees

pj king

Production Manager

mitzury aguilar

Human Resources Manager

jimmy noriega

Manager of Operations

gloria landolfi

Procurement Manager

emma caron

Global Sourcing Product

ellen kleinschm

Director of Customer

dave hopkins

Sales Manager

carolyn johnson

Creative Art Director

tj szopinski

Brand Transformer

sylvia fico

Director of Finance

ryan benko

Strategic Accounts Manager

Frequent questions about Eagle Promotions

How many employees does Eagle Promotions have?
Eagle Promotions has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Eagle Promotions's industry?
Eagle Promotions is involved in the industry of apparel & fashion.
Where is Eagle Promotions headquarters located?
Eagle Promotions is located in united states
What is the website of Eagle Promotions?
Eagle Promotions official website at eaglepromotions.com

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