Pirate studios ltd

Pirate Studios is the music technology company.

Information about Pirate studios ltd

Number of employees
100 Lincoln St, London, England BS5 0BJ, UK

Company Categories

Art, Rehearsal studios, Media and Entertainment, Practice rooms, Digital Entertainment, Rehearsal rooms, Music, Locker storage, Music and Audio,

Pirate studios ltd executive employees

bertol dragani

Construction and Development

ashlee campbell

People Leader-Making a

laurence empson

Customer Experience Manager

louis h.

Growth Manager

sammi alani

VP North America

kate harmon

Customer Experience Team

jose jacobo

Operations Manager North

jonah kennon

Event Director

Frequent questions about Pirate studios ltd

How many employees does Pirate studios ltd have?
Pirate studios ltd has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Pirate studios ltd's industry?
Pirate studios ltd is involved in the industry of music.
Where is Pirate studios ltd headquarters located?
Pirate studios ltd is located in 100 Lincoln St, London, England BS5 0BJ, UK
What is the website of Pirate studios ltd?
Pirate studios ltd official website at piratestudios.co.uk

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