Ambrosia treatment center

The #1 Choice for Addiction and Trauma Treatment in Beverly Hills, CA.

Information about Ambrosia treatment center

hospital & health care
Number of employees
5220 Hood Rd, Palm Beach Garden, Florida 33418, US

Company Categories

Clinics/Outpatient Services), Health Care), Affordable, World-Class Drug & Alcohol Rehab), Rehabilitation), Reputation for Quality Care), Industry-Leading Treatments), 7.5K Clients Helped), 5 Scenic, Private Locations), Individualized Treatment Plans), Commitment to Complete Care), 24/7 Family & Alumni Programs),

Ambrosia treatment center executive employees

chris simpson

Executive Director

nick vacarino

Operations Manager

sean sullivan

Director Of Administrative

dotty lerum

Clinical Supervisor

teresa alfonso

Director of Complaince

scott simon

Resident Manager

nicholas vacari

Tech Supervisor

nicholas albert

President of Operations

michele f.

Clinical Supervisor

marc chiurato

Chief Financial Officer

lynne davis

Chief Clinical Officer

kerchevella wal

Administrative Supervisor

kelsey cianciul

Director of Admissions

guy shapira

Multiple Digital Marketing

dee labianca

director of human

chris peters

Northeast director of

charles johnson

Director of IT

Frequent questions about Ambrosia treatment center

How many employees does Ambrosia treatment center have?
Ambrosia treatment center has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Ambrosia treatment center's industry?
Ambrosia treatment center is involved in the industry of hospital & health care.
Where is Ambrosia treatment center headquarters located?
Ambrosia treatment center is located in 5220 Hood Rd, Palm Beach Garden, Florida 33418, US
What is the website of Ambrosia treatment center?
Ambrosia treatment center official website at

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