Carvel corporation

Carvel Ice Cream Bakery is an ice cream and cake manufacturer.

Information about Carvel corporation

consumer goods
Number of employees
5620 Glenridge Dr. NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30342, US

Company Categories

Food & Beverages, Food Products, Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Manufacturing, Business Services,

Carvel corporation executive employees

brian sondey

Owner Carvel Ice

eric chang

Owner Carvel

lori stellers

Director Of Operations

brian loomis

Director of IT

anthony calabre

Franchise Owner

anna qu


maria youssef

Manager and Marketing

sal alessi

Franchise Owner

steven aleksis

Carvel Manager

perry boon

Franchise Owner

tarji carter

Director of Franchise

wayne brown

Multi Unit Franchise

nidal blaibleh

owner of Fast

lisa barootjian

Franchise Owner

kenzie kuehnle

Director of Sales

jennifer gilman

Owner Carvel

helen skinner

Owner Carvel Ice

grots delrio

Owner Carvel Ice

grace daniel

Accounting Major

eddie cumart

Owner of Carvel

carmen hansen

Shift Manager

victor hsu

Business Owner

Frequent questions about Carvel corporation

How many employees does Carvel corporation have?
Carvel corporation has approximately 501-1000 employees.
What is Carvel corporation's industry?
Carvel corporation is involved in the industry of consumer goods.
Where is Carvel corporation headquarters located?
Carvel corporation is located in 5620 Glenridge Dr. NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30342, US
What is the website of Carvel corporation?
Carvel corporation official website at

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