Carespring healthcare management

Carespring Healthcare Management is a hospital & health care company that provides transitional care and nursing home facilities.

Information about Carespring healthcare management

hospital & health care
Number of employees
960 Highland Ave, Fort Thoma, Kentucky 41075, US

Company Categories

Hospitals & Clinics, Health Care, Healthcare,

Carespring healthcare management executive employees

janet stevens

Director of Nursing

terri muller

Director of Sales

laura smoyer

Senior Accountant

nancy burden

Senior Private Collection

barry bortz

Business Owner

mark zielinski

Director of Rehabilitation

mallori whitehe

Activities Director

kelsey danielle

Director of Nursing

sabrina sowards

Activity Director

mindy naugle

Director of Sales

stacey lytle

Director of Rehabilitation

marin godsey

Director of Admissions

poetry potts

Director of admissions

kim majick

Chief Development Officer

jennifer roden

Director Of Rehabilitation

elizabeth byrd

Director of Nursing

courtney koverm

Director of Admissions

christina cyphe

Director of Social

chris chirumbol

Chief Executive Officer

cecil venters

Plant Operations Manager

bill noffsinger

Director of Information

Frequent questions about Carespring healthcare management

How many employees does Carespring healthcare management have?
Carespring healthcare management has approximately 1001-5000 employees.
What is Carespring healthcare management's industry?
Carespring healthcare management is involved in the industry of hospital & health care.
Where is Carespring healthcare management headquarters located?
Carespring healthcare management is located in 960 Highland Ave, Fort Thoma, Kentucky 41075, US
What is the website of Carespring healthcare management?
Carespring healthcare management official website at

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