Heart+mind strategies

Heart+Mind Strategies is a branding and marketing consulting firm with a scientific approach.

Information about Heart+mind strategies

Number of employees
12355 Sunrise Valley Dr. Ste. 340, Reston, Virginia 20191, US

Company Categories

Business Services, Advertising, Individual and Societal Values, Sales and Marketing, Consulting and Implementation, Consulting, Advanced Analytics and Modeling, Government, Full service qual/quant methodologies, Government and Military, Marketing,

Heart+mind strategies executive employees

kevin boyle

Project Manager

jim wilkerson

Solutions Consultant--Brand Systems

andrew cober

Senior Consultant

zach davis

Solutions Director

mike dabadie

CEO and Managing

kirsten flory

Manager Project Management

catalina dinu

Market Research Manager

melissa rajan

Senior Research Director

maury giles

Chief Growth Officer

kristi diaz

Group Strategy Director

kevin kiani

Senior Solutions Manager

jeff stewart

Growth & Development

jaclyn crawford

Senior Solutions Director

emily laplaca

Project and People

darren bishop

Senior Solutions Consultant

carlos elordi

Director Analytics and

cara boxer

Senior Manager Graphic

steven weachter

Experienced project manager

mike schmidt

Brand & Marketing

Frequent questions about Heart+mind strategies

How many employees does Heart+mind strategies have?
Heart+mind strategies has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Heart+mind strategies's industry?
Heart+mind strategies is involved in the industry of research.
Where is Heart+mind strategies headquarters located?
Heart+mind strategies is located in 12355 Sunrise Valley Dr. Ste. 340, Reston, Virginia 20191, US
What is the website of Heart+mind strategies?
Heart+mind strategies official website at heartandmindstrategies.com

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