Ab regin

Regin is an Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing company.

Information about Ab regin

information technology and services
Number of employees
Teknobulevardi 3-5, Vantaa, Uusimaa 01530, FI

Company Categories

Manufacturing, Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Electrical Equipment, Electronics, Building Automation, Electronics (B2C), Consumer Electronics, Energy services, Hardware, Controllers and field equipment, Energy, SCADA, HMI, Marketing Automation, Sales and Marketing, Software,

Ab regin executive employees

leonard lim

Area Manager

henric f.

Business Development

håkan frimanson

General Manager

Frequent questions about Ab regin

How many employees does Ab regin have?
Ab regin has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Ab regin's industry?
Ab regin is involved in the industry of information technology and services.
Where is Ab regin headquarters located?
Ab regin is located in Teknobulevardi 3-5, Vantaa, Uusimaa 01530, FI
What is the website of Ab regin?
Ab regin official website at regincontrols.com

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