Lord aeck sargent

Lord Aeck Sargent is an architecture & planning firm specializing in architectural, planning, and designing services.

Information about Lord aeck sargent

architecture & planning
Number of employees
1175 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30361, US

Company Categories

Architecture, Architecture, Engineering & Design, Real Estate, Interior Design, Historic Preservation, Construction, Urban Design + Planning, Design, Sustainable Design, Science + Technology, Education, Housing + Mixed-Use,

Lord aeck sargent executive employees

antonin aeck

Senior Principal Lord

cheryl rosenbau

Director of Operations

jennifer tramme

Senior Associate Project

mike stevenson

Principal & CFO

raymond thompso

Project Manager

kati parttimaa

Director of Client

knox jolly

Senior Associate

sarah turner

Senior Associate &

victoria cunnin

Director of Business

matt cherry

Director of Landscape

soumi basu

Associate I Senior

stephen conscha

Senior Urban Designer

julie arnold

Senior Associate

joshua gassman

Sustainable Design Director

john wehby

Senior Associate BIM

jared horn

Director of Science

gray kiser

Project Manager

doug glasgow

Director of Technology

david ramsey

Senior Interior Designer

david goldschmi

Senior Associate-Senior Designer

cristy fletcher

Senior Associate Architect

chris fender

Project Manager

ben elliott

Senior Associate

becky mcduffie

Director of Higher

ashonta l.

Contracts and Compliance

amanda vercello

Marketing Manager

will hall

Director of Creativity

Frequent questions about Lord aeck sargent

How many employees does Lord aeck sargent have?
Lord aeck sargent has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Lord aeck sargent's industry?
Lord aeck sargent is involved in the industry of architecture & planning.
Where is Lord aeck sargent headquarters located?
Lord aeck sargent is located in 1175 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30361, US
What is the website of Lord aeck sargent?
Lord aeck sargent official website at lordaecksargent.com

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