APG - Automation Products Group, Inc

We manufacture industrial strength liquid level sensors and pressure transducers of impeccable performance and quality.

Information about APG - Automation Products Group, Inc

industrial automation
Number of employees
1025 W 1700 N, Logan, Utah 84321, US

Company Categories

Electronics, Manufacturing, Electronic Components, Float Switch, Consumer Electronics, Level Probe, Hardware, Level Sensor, Water Level Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor, Remote Monitoring, Liquid Level Sensor, Pressure Transducer, Level Measurement, Digital Pressure Gauge, Pressure Measurement, Hammer Union Pressure Transducer,

APG - Automation Products Group, Inc executive employees

shawn spencer

Product Configuration

shaw merrill

Inside Sales Manager

marty mortenson

IT Manager

kevin johnson

Shipping Manager

elisa wilde

Marketing Manager Automation

eileen revoir

Business Development Manager-Automa

dan jones

Vice President of

bryan ritchey

Regional Sales Manager

Frequent questions about APG - Automation Products Group, Inc

How many employees does APG - Automation Products Group, Inc have?
APG - Automation Products Group, Inc has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is APG - Automation Products Group, Inc's industry?
APG - Automation Products Group, Inc is involved in the industry of industrial automation.
Where is APG - Automation Products Group, Inc headquarters located?
APG - Automation Products Group, Inc is located in 1025 W 1700 N, Logan, Utah 84321, US
What is the website of APG - Automation Products Group, Inc?
APG - Automation Products Group, Inc official website at apgsensors.com

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