Cupcake Royale

Cupcake Royale was founded in 2003 as SeattleGÇÖs first cupcake bakery and caf+¬.

Information about Cupcake Royale

Number of employees
1111 E Pike St, Seattle, Washington 98122, US

Company Categories

Grocery, Retail,

Cupcake Royale executive employees

janelle anderso

Marketing Director

tanner mclaughl

Art Director

jessica gregory

Bakery Operations Manager

benjamin blackk

Marketing Manager

stephanie ahern

Operations Manager

Frequent questions about Cupcake Royale

How many employees does Cupcake Royale have?
Cupcake Royale has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Cupcake Royale's industry?
Cupcake Royale is involved in the industry of hospitality.
Where is Cupcake Royale headquarters located?
Cupcake Royale is located in 1111 E Pike St, Seattle, Washington 98122, US
What is the website of Cupcake Royale?
Cupcake Royale official website at

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