Terreactive ag

terreActive is an IT security company that offers security monitoring and log management services.

Information about Terreactive ag

computer & network security
Number of employees
Kasinostrasse 30, Aarau, Aargau 5000, CH

Company Categories

Network Security Hardware & Software, Information Technology, Computer Equipment & Peripherals, Security, Manufacturing, Privacy and Security,

Terreactive ag executive employees

frank pimenta

Senior Software Engineer

tobias heinzen

Senior Security Engineer

riccardo landol

Junior Software Developer

joel meier

Junior Software Engineer

Frequent questions about Terreactive ag

How many employees does Terreactive ag have?
Terreactive ag has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Terreactive ag's industry?
Terreactive ag is involved in the industry of computer & network security.
Where is Terreactive ag headquarters located?
Terreactive ag is located in Kasinostrasse 30, Aarau, Aargau 5000, CH
What is the website of Terreactive ag?
Terreactive ag official website at terreactive.ch

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