New oakland family centers

New Oakland Family Centers is a mental health care company providing child, teen, and adult counseling services.

Information about New oakland family centers

mental health care
Number of employees
Clarkston, US

Company Categories

Health Care,

New oakland family centers executive employees

greg sparshott

Director of Business

lisa kalinski

Director Clinical Services

kevin sendi


julia schiappac

Director of Human

kim mahaffa

Lead Partial Hospitalization

nikki deiro

Toxicology Technical Supervisor

Frequent questions about New oakland family centers

How many employees does New oakland family centers have?
New oakland family centers has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is New oakland family centers's industry?
New oakland family centers is involved in the industry of mental health care.
Where is New oakland family centers headquarters located?
New oakland family centers is located in Clarkston, US
What is the website of New oakland family centers?
New oakland family centers official website at

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