Pulpo (an entravision company)

Pulpo Media, a Hispanic media solutions provider, offers technology solutions for advertisers to better reach online Hispanic consumers.

Information about Pulpo (an entravision company)

marketing and advertising
Number of employees
5700 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 250, Los Angele, CA 90036, US

Company Categories

Online Advertising, Hispanic, Latino, Online Media, Publicidad, Anuncios, Anúncio, Español, Português,

Pulpo (an entravision company) executive employees

violeta sour

Digital Account Manager

mauricio arnal

Chief Financial Officer

tamires pereira

HRBP Manager

miguelángel vás

Media Buying Team

victoria lamann

Programmatic Client Growth

mariana botero

SVP of Growth

sofia lamas

Global A

natalia d'aless

Product Manager

tatiana braz

Senior Financial Analyst

paula kiernan

Product Marketing Manager

patryk kujawski

Senior Media Buyer

soledad martine

Sr Growth Director

micol l.

Mobile publisher Manager

leonardo lauren

Head of Data

inbar shachar

Senior Ad Ops

ignacio aprile

Senior Analytic consultant

gabriela quijan

Global Operations Director

eddie herrera

Senior Integrated Marketing

cynthia thomas

Senior Order Management

cristin nichols

Senior Account Director

chloe vibart

Sales Operations Leader

bárbara gordon

HR Analyst

ayrton neto

Sales Manager

axel alvez

Programmatic Campaign Manager

alejandro marty

Technical Lead &

agustin rojo

Sales & Growth

Frequent questions about Pulpo (an entravision company)

How many employees does Pulpo (an entravision company) have?
Pulpo (an entravision company) has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Pulpo (an entravision company)'s industry?
Pulpo (an entravision company) is involved in the industry of marketing and advertising.
Where is Pulpo (an entravision company) headquarters located?
Pulpo (an entravision company) is located in 5700 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 250, Los Angele, CA 90036, US
What is the website of Pulpo (an entravision company)?
Pulpo (an entravision company) official website at pulpomedia.com

Other companies

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