Ilm professional services, inc.

ILM Professional Services is an information technology company that offers web and mobile applications.

Information about Ilm professional services, inc.

information technology and services
Number of employees
5221 Viking Dr, Edina, Minnesota 55435, US

Company Categories

Business Services, Apps, .NET Development, Software, Enterprise Mobile Development, Information Technology, JavaScript Framework Development, Internet, NServiceBus Advisory and Mentoring, Internet Services, Java Development, Mobile Apps, Mobile,

Ilm professional services, inc. executive employees

jamie aa

Project Manager

terasa siebrand

Senior Software Developer

naga shanmukh

Human Resources Manager

matt mcdonald

Director of Recruiting

jeff garoutte

Senior II Consultant

daniel lehto

Senior Consultant

amy rempher

Human Resource Manager

ryan krocak


phillip johnson

Senior Consultant

luna ahmed


larry dukek

Senior Consultant

justin blake

Senior Consultant

josh taylor

Senior Consultant II

Frequent questions about Ilm professional services, inc.

How many employees does Ilm professional services, inc. have?
Ilm professional services, inc. has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Ilm professional services, inc.'s industry?
Ilm professional services, inc. is involved in the industry of information technology and services.
Where is Ilm professional services, inc. headquarters located?
Ilm professional services, inc. is located in 5221 Viking Dr, Edina, Minnesota 55435, US
What is the website of Ilm professional services, inc.?
Ilm professional services, inc. official website at

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