Calihan catering

Calihan Catering is a food & beverages company offering gourmet cuisine and catering services.

Information about Calihan catering

food & beverages
Number of employees
833 W Haines St, Chicago, Illinois 60642, US

Company Categories

Restaurants, Food and Beverage, Hospitality,

Calihan catering executive employees

rebeca alvarez

Staffing Manager

nia molina

function director

natalie riha

Assitant Account Manager

erikka boykins

Function Director

cate kaczala

Director of Off-Premise

Frequent questions about Calihan catering

How many employees does Calihan catering have?
Calihan catering has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Calihan catering's industry?
Calihan catering is involved in the industry of food & beverages.
Where is Calihan catering headquarters located?
Calihan catering is located in 833 W Haines St, Chicago, Illinois 60642, US
What is the website of Calihan catering?
Calihan catering official website at

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