
Ludan Software and Control Systems is an activities include design, integration, installation.

Information about LudanTech

industrial automation
Number of employees

LudanTech executive employees

eli avivi

Senior Programmer

yael giller

HR Manager-I'm Hiring

hila vax

Operations Officer

gil schuller

Operations and Projects

eyal shelev

Project Manager

eli fishman

Project Manager

amir menn

Cyber Security Manager

alex yagudin

Project Manager

roni kalmy

Head of Software

netanel greenbe

Project Manager

mariana davidov

Project Manager

Frequent questions about LudanTech

How many employees does LudanTech have?
LudanTech has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is LudanTech's industry?
LudanTech is involved in the industry of industrial automation.
Where is LudanTech headquarters located?
LudanTech is located in israel
What is the website of LudanTech?
LudanTech official website at

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