Mechanics cooperative bank

Mechanics Cooperative Bank is a bank that provides community banking, mortgages, and home equity loan services.

Information about Mechanics cooperative bank

Number of employees
308 BAY St, Taunton, Massachusetts 02780, US

Company Categories

Banking, Local Community Banking, Finance, Internet and Mobile Banking, Mortgages and Home Equity Loans, Commercial Lending,

Mechanics cooperative bank executive employees

fatima martins

Branch Manager

john mcmahon

Vice President Marketing

jim braz

Vice President Commercial

andrew hewitt

CFO & Treasurer

dianne martin

Branch Manager

tom steele

Vice President of

tina clohisy

Quality contol manager

sonia estrela

Branch Manager

sherer minor

Branch Manager

sandra cordoniz

Branch Manager

paula forsee

AVP Senior Credit

patrick gaughan

Vice President &

maureen sylvia

Vice President Business

kim wellford

Assistant Branch Manager

kelly silva

Junior Accountant

joshua n.

Marketing Manager

jorge moreira

Vice President-Deposit Operations

jillian back

Vice President

jane puccio

Branch Manager

eddie petras

Vice President Commercial

deborah grimes

Executive Vice President

curtis mckinney

SVP-Senior Lender

brittany whalon

Branch Manager

Frequent questions about Mechanics cooperative bank

How many employees does Mechanics cooperative bank have?
Mechanics cooperative bank has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Mechanics cooperative bank's industry?
Mechanics cooperative bank is involved in the industry of banking.
Where is Mechanics cooperative bank headquarters located?
Mechanics cooperative bank is located in 308 BAY St, Taunton, Massachusetts 02780, US
What is the website of Mechanics cooperative bank?
Mechanics cooperative bank official website at

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