Aptamer Group

Aptamer Group develop DNA and RNA nucleic acid aptamers for use in R&D, biomarker discovery, diagnostics or therapeutic developments.

Information about Aptamer Group

Number of employees
Bio Centre, York, York YO10 5NY, UK

Company Categories

Biotechnology, Bio-Marker Discovery, Science and Engineering, Research and Development, Pharmaceuticals, Health Care, Therapeutics, Healthcare, Health Diagnostics, Diagnostics,

Aptamer Group executive employees

john richards

Head of Pharmaceutical

Frequent questions about Aptamer Group

How many employees does Aptamer Group have?
Aptamer Group has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Aptamer Group's industry?
Aptamer Group is involved in the industry of biotechnology.
Where is Aptamer Group headquarters located?
Aptamer Group is located in Bio Centre, York, York YO10 5NY, UK
What is the website of Aptamer Group?
Aptamer Group official website at aptamergroup.co.uk

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