Dental city

Dental City is a medical device company offering dental instruments and device.

Information about Dental city

medical devices
Number of employees
3205 Yeager Dr, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54311, US

Company Categories

Medical Devices & Equipment, Health Care, Manufacturing, Medical,

Dental city executive employees

ashley steinbri

Account Manager

delilah rezk

Account Manager

calli styczynsk

Account Manager

brennen bauer

Account Manager

alex kimble

Account Manager

aaron voss

Account Manager

adam sanchez

Sales Account Manager

sean geohegan

National Account Manager

seth boldt

Sales Account Manager

stacie hartl

Account Manager

sean sladky

Account Manager

ryan grabig

Account Manager

sergio bravo

Director Asociado

robin seidl

Support Team Lead

ryan frisque

account manager

tyler merkatori

Account Manager

shari peggs

Purchasing Manager

nick morgan

Account Manager

nicholas hopp

Senior Web &

mike kopke

Account Manager

kt kurowski

General Account II

kelly thompson

Senior Account Manager

kate hogan

Director of Marketing

jordan peterson

Account Manager

jordan lorenz

Director of Special

jonathan gast

National Account Manager

johnny vang

Account Manager

jenna keesey

Account Manager

jared sawall

Account Manager

jalen buchberge

Account Manager

eric pigo

Aquisition Supervisor

eric gajeski

Senior Account Manager

denny j.

Director of IT

david retzke

Human Resources Manager

daniel novak

Account Manager

claudia fritsch

Sales Process Manager

chrissy vandehe

Sales Account Manager

carter hunter

Account Manager

alexa jacobsen

Account Manager

Frequent questions about Dental city

How many employees does Dental city have?
Dental city has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Dental city's industry?
Dental city is involved in the industry of medical devices.
Where is Dental city headquarters located?
Dental city is located in 3205 Yeager Dr, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54311, US
What is the website of Dental city?
Dental city official website at

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