B2B-Center, e-marketplace

B2B-Center is the operator of a major e-procurement marketplace in Russia.

Information about B2B-Center, e-marketplace

information technology and services
Number of employees
Tretiya Rybinskaya St. 18, Bldg. 22, "Burevestnik" Business Center, Moscow, Moscow 107113, RU

Company Categories

Other Commercial Services, IT, Media and Information Services (B2B), B2B, ??????????? ?????,

B2B-Center, e-marketplace executive employees

yulia ageeva

Marketing manager 2

roman kalinin

Senior PHP Developer

konstantin zhar

Lead Data Scientist

irina vashchenk

Chief HR Officer

gray dorin

Lead web developer

gennady shemray

Marketing Manager

ekaterina ilvov

Marketing Director

dmitriy chernov

Project Manager

anton zadorozhn

Head of M&A

andrey razvodov

Key Account Manager

andrey breslavs

Senior PHP Developer

andrey boyko

Chief Commercial Officer

anastasiya shuv


????????? ?????

Senior Javascript Developer

??????? ?????

HR-B2B-Center e-marketplace

?????? ???????

HR – B2B-Center

vladislav mager

Senior JavaScript Developer

viktor pererush

Head of QA

victor sokovnin

Director of International

maryna hlotava

Agile PHP Team-Lead

Frequent questions about B2B-Center, e-marketplace

How many employees does B2B-Center, e-marketplace have?
B2B-Center, e-marketplace has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is B2B-Center, e-marketplace's industry?
B2B-Center, e-marketplace is involved in the industry of information technology and services.
Where is B2B-Center, e-marketplace headquarters located?
B2B-Center, e-marketplace is located in Tretiya Rybinskaya St. 18, Bldg. 22, "Burevestnik" Business Center, Moscow, Moscow 107113, RU
What is the website of B2B-Center, e-marketplace?
B2B-Center, e-marketplace official website at b2b-center.ru

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