Morgan motor company

The Morgan Motor Company Ltd. was established in 1909 by H.F.S. Morgan with the design of the Morgan three-wheeler.

Information about Morgan motor company

Number of employees
Morgan Motor Company, Malvrn Link, Worcestershire WR14 2LL, UK

Company Categories

Automotive, Manufacturing, Motor Vehicles, Transportation, Logistics, Web Design, Design,

Morgan motor company executive employees

hanlong zhang

Marketing Manager

mark evans

Aero Racing Manager

Frequent questions about Morgan motor company

How many employees does Morgan motor company have?
Morgan motor company has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Morgan motor company's industry?
Morgan motor company is involved in the industry of automotive.
Where is Morgan motor company headquarters located?
Morgan motor company is located in Morgan Motor Company, Malvrn Link, Worcestershire WR14 2LL, UK
What is the website of Morgan motor company?
Morgan motor company official website at

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