Social Blue

Social Blue connects businesses with potential consumers.

Information about Social Blue

marketing and advertising
Number of employees
457 Richmond St. W, Toronto, Ontario M5V 1X9, CA

Company Categories

Lead Generation, Advertising & Marketing, Business Services, Sales and Marketing, Facebook Advertising, Lead Management, Professional Services,

Social Blue executive employees

katharina ahren

Junior Campaign Manager

jordy schreuder

Lead Product Owner

icha santos

Campaign Manager

elvin low

Head Of Business

bart stavenuite

Team Leader Development

santhrika sandr

Business Development Manager

shannen uchil

Junior Campaign Manager

queenie chan

Campaign Manager

rory conway

Head of Marketing

othman namri

Head of Sales

travis reuser

Talent Acquisition Partner

sander janssen

Head of Sales

tom solis

Senior Business Development

kayo takeshita

Business Development

Frequent questions about Social Blue

How many employees does Social Blue have?
Social Blue has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Social Blue's industry?
Social Blue is involved in the industry of marketing and advertising.
Where is Social Blue headquarters located?
Social Blue is located in 457 Richmond St. W, Toronto, Ontario M5V 1X9, CA
What is the website of Social Blue?
Social Blue official website at

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