Global InfoTek, Inc.

Develops and integrates advanced information technology.

Information about Global InfoTek, Inc.

computer software
Number of employees
1920 Association Drive, Reston, Virginia 20191, US

Company Categories

Computer, Software, Cyber Network Operations R&D, Software Development & Design, Consumer Electronics, Knowledge Discovery/Graph Analytics/Semantic Technology, Hardware, SOA Architecture, Engineering Software, Software Agents,

Global InfoTek, Inc. executive employees

brendan wiskow

Senior Cyber Developer

jason eittreim

Senior Software Engineer

martinez addae

Program Manager MBA

amit ghosh

Owner global infotek

ted oakley

Sr. Product Manager

shannon mitchel

Senior Linux Engineer

anita bryant

Senior Human Resources

andrew branch

Senior Cloud Engineer

scott krueger

Networks Project Manager

sean hogan

Project Manager

thomas heath

Senior S

poovalai jayach

Chief Operating Officer

rick shaffer


randy mccanne

Program Manager

tiffany emami-l

Vice President Business

ray emami

Chief Operating Officer

kim irving

Vice President Business

henry scott

Senior Full Stack

elysa underwood

Operations Manager

dylan wade

Software Test Engineer

clifton jackman

Technical Director for

ciara kalf

Senior Proposal Management

carlos murray

Project Lead Network

bryn russell

Executive Director

brendon unland

Solutions Architect Technical

ann millikin

Project Lead

ali ast

Director Program Management

Frequent questions about Global InfoTek, Inc.

How many employees does Global InfoTek, Inc. have?
Global InfoTek, Inc. has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Global InfoTek, Inc.'s industry?
Global InfoTek, Inc. is involved in the industry of computer software.
Where is Global InfoTek, Inc. headquarters located?
Global InfoTek, Inc. is located in 1920 Association Drive, Reston, Virginia 20191, US
What is the website of Global InfoTek, Inc.?
Global InfoTek, Inc. official website at

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