Rockers Technology

Rockers Technology is an information technology company that offers QA and software testing services.

Information about Rockers Technology

information technology and services
Number of employees
4600 Mueller Boulevard, Suite 3099, Austin, Texas 78723, US

Company Categories

Software Development & Design, Software,

Rockers Technology executive employees

manoj rathod

Business Development

roshni shah

HR manager

rakesh patel

Project Manager

rakesh patel

Senior PHP Developer

johnson mathew

Business Development Manager

Frequent questions about Rockers Technology

How many employees does Rockers Technology have?
Rockers Technology has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Rockers Technology's industry?
Rockers Technology is involved in the industry of information technology and services.
Where is Rockers Technology headquarters located?
Rockers Technology is located in 4600 Mueller Boulevard, Suite 3099, Austin, Texas 78723, US
What is the website of Rockers Technology?
Rockers Technology official website at

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